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General Health: Anthony Dipasquale

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General Health: Anthony Dipasquale
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Hi I am Anthony:
What I do is work as a nutritionist (RNCP, or registered nutritional consultant practitioner), and as a personal trainer (CPT). The information here is great for starters; you can also see me directly to get on the fast track to your goals!
Even though individualised, personal advice and structure is awesome, we have a pretty good start here on this site.

What qualifies me is a desire to help myself and others, to see the truth, and to help bring others the best tools and means to build their health. I have a Bachelor of Science, in Nutrition, which I have updated in '05. I also completed my qualifications for the IONC, through IHN, where I ended up also teaching.

What do I want to do? I work with people who want to better their health and themselves, showing them the best ways to put their desire into health action!

Some want to lose weight; others want to gain. Most people want to improve their appearance. They want to look better, in and out of their clothes.

Some are dealing with a health challenge, and are dissatisfied with health advice or 'care' they may have received. Pro-active types want to build their health- to improve it, and be at a higher level than they currently are. My focus was clinical dietetics, because at first, I wanted to become a registered clinical dietitian. I never did my one year internship, so training- wise, the internship, and membership with the Dietitians of Canada, is what separates me from RD's. Of course, my open-mindedness in embracing Western, Chinese, Ayurvedic, and other **wholistic nutritional methods separates me, as well. I am a registered nutritionist, and have completed the wholistic training required for that designation, with the IONC.

I am the kind of personal trainer that loves learning and trying new routines and ways of exercising. I like to keep it fresh for myself, and my clients.

Feel free to contact me, any time, for a personal appointment, work out session, or for any questions and comments.


Call me on my cell, any time, 24/ 7. I turn off the ringer in off hours, so really do call whenever you like.


My email address

anthonydipasquale@libero.itThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

if you'd like to use my less dignified hotmail address, it is


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Blessings and LoveTo All